Non- regression Test

The program developement for ROHR2 is subjet to a strict quality assurance procedure. For each new program release a automatic test proceedure against a database of more than 1000 systems is performed. For these systems a réference solution exists. Any deviation from the results is checked by our programmers one by one and the results and comments are archived using a revision control system.

This procedure guaranties a perfect tracabiility throughout the full version history. Due to the huge amount of data, these tests are not published.

For each new ROHR2 version a cerificate is issued after succesfull pass of the test proceedure.

You can find the certificates here:

 Rohr2 release 34.1

 Rohr2 release 34.0

 Rohr2 release 33.1

 Rohr2 release 33.0

 Rohr2 release 32.1, Release 2019

 Rohr2 release 32.0

Validation by the program user

Many calculation codes require that the pipe stress engineer performs a software validation. In order to assist ROHR2 users in this process we provide a Validation Manual with every ROHR2 installation.

This manual presents a collection of test cases that demonstrate a number of the capabilities of the Rohr2 pipe stress analysis program. The selected tests are engineering problems that provide independent verification, usually a closed form equation or are comparisons to other solution methods or other calculation programs.

The solutions for the test cases have been verified, however, certain differences may exist in regard to the references. These differences have been examined and are considered acceptable. In some cases they are due to the solution methods, the error boundaries that were selected or due to model assumption differences. For the tests, an error rate of 5% or less has been aimed.

The tests contained in this manual are a partial subset of the full set of tests that are run by Rohr2 developers to ensure a high degree of quality.


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